The real crime is that not every Portillo's has a Barnelli's kitchen. I think I've been a fan of that chopped salad for 15 years now? It makes me happy whenever someone else discovers it. I think they used to chop the lettuce more and add more pasta, but maybe those little noody boys are just hiding.

Have you had their grilled tuna sandwich??? It's better than it should be!

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Sorry for the late reply! So...they USED to have that sandwich on the menu but I think it's long since gone. I loved that damn thing.

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Woooo new Dennis newsletter!! I've only had Portillo's pasta when we've gotten catering. It's pretty good, if a bit plain! Definitely better than you would guess from fast food pasta. I am also gently baffled by the Barnelli's sub brand. Apparently they have stand alone Barnelli's restaurants, but I think they're all out in the burbs.

My favorite sleeper Portillo's hit is the strawberry and lemon cake shake. I've only seen it seasonally, but dang is that thing good! It also weighs you down a hell of a lot less than the chocolate cake shake. I love a good ol CCS, but not when it's Wednesday and we went out for team lunch and now I'm struggling to stay awake at my desk. Nothing against you, chocolate cake shake. That one's on me.

Speaking of baffling menu items, Portillo's also sells tamales. I have never seen someone order or eat one, but they're on the menu! Maybe add that to the eventual order list with the pasta and the ribs...?

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As a high school kid that lived a mile from a portillos, I've definitely had their baked pastas and ribs. We're they good at the time? Absolutely. Are they still good? Tbd.

And I still regularly get the tamale. It's those inauthentic frozen ones w terrible seasoned ground beef in the middle. But I absolutely love them especially w a little bit of cheese sauce on it.

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Congrats on the new newsletter Dennis!

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Okay, well, I've had the pasta. The Barnelli's vodka sauce + rigatoni, to be precise. I don't know how to defend myself other than to say it's wildly delicious (to me; my husband likes it too) and it's definitely fast-food pasta, but...look, I don't know. It's just tasty.

However, my standard Portillo's order is a jumbo dog OR an Italian beef. I mean, or the Chopped Salad, depending on what mood I'm in.

Pro trick: buy a catering size Chopped Salad if you need a side to bring to a potluck; I've done it many a time, and it's always received happily and wiped out by the end of the party. The different toppings come separated out into their own containers, so you can let people customize their salad, which is always a hit.

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Shit, I need to try the pasta too, then. Double secret gems! Davida and I are almost always beef people; I like Chicago-style hot dogs more than she does.

That is a terrific potluck tip too, by the way. If I don't have time to actually make anything my go-to is usually White Castle, which usually makes a bunch of people groan, but then almost everyone eats the sliders anyway. I think your tip may actually be a better option.

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As a person who doesn't eat sliders, I am biased towards my tip. However, I will never forget the time someone brought a case of sliders to a potluck at my workplace, and I watched them disappear in 5 minutes flat, and everyone who didn't get one moaned about it for days. So you know, six of one, half dozen the other.

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